
So… you went to a big place who advertise a lot… maybe in London, and they have prescribed you some hair loss drugs — high strength Minoxidil solution and some tablets called Propecia.

It is sad that there are organizations that place profit over people’s health. Prescribing medications to all who walk in their doors.

Asking a leading consultant Mr Mark Ireland, who has talked to hair loss suffers from around the world for over 20 years. He said that the side effects from oral drugs are much more prevalent than one would expect. Further he feels that he would estimate that when talking with 5 users of drugs like Propecia, more than two out of five would complain of side effects, concerning their sex drive and libido.’ And being a subject many men would find embarrassing we think that many more experience really experience concerns.

International Hair Studio does not promote the use of oral drugs for hair loss. This is because the loss of hair, though unwanted, is often a natural pattern for the body to follow. To use oral drugs for hair loss invites further hormonal side effects. Side effects of such drugs can be sexual dysfunction, and it is said that pregnant women should not even handle the tablets for chance of damage to the baby. In our opinion the minimal cosmetic effect that these drugs may provide is far outweighed by the risks. There are quite simply better ways to encourage hair growth.

(Propecia is a 1mg dosage of a drug originally called Finasteride)

And the high strength Minoxidil? – Well first of all Minoxidil does help stimulate hair by basically dilating the blood vessels. (Minoxidil is a Antihypertensive Vasodilator.) It has been used since the 1950s in the form of Regaine which was produced by the company Upjohn (now by Pfizer). Minoxidil has been generally used in 5% and 2% solutions and one needs to ask is there anything to be gained by increasing it’s concentration? Pfizer have not done this, and they are one of the world’s biggest drug companies; this may be because the increased concentration increases the likelihood of side effects, but you can only dilate a blood vessel so much.

Clinics that advertise and sell high percentages are probably just trying to give you a point of difference to justify their exorbitant prices.

If you are going to use this type of treatment then go and see your GP. She or he will be able to prescribe Propecia and it can then be obtained at a reasonable price. At least do not over pay. However in our opinion for the little gain of hair the user usually obtains, the potential risks far outweigh the rewards. We suggest that anyone recommended or considering this should seriously research this type of treatment.

International Hair Studio has the facilities of its own registered chemist. When required, our clients are assessed by General Medical Council (GMC) registered Doctors. Any bespoke medications that are prescribed by them are manufactured to Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) standards and regulations. All dispensing of medicine is done by General Pharmaceutical Council (GPHC) registered Pharmacies.

At International Hair Studio our clients want to fight hair loss with the strongest but also the safest procedures and products. We provide these whilst also designing ways of guaranteeing the desired outcome.

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