
It is true that everyone’s hair is shedding a certain amount on a daily basis – this is normal. So how do you know when your hair is actually thinning, or its just going through its natural cycle? Your hair is always in a constant state of change and it is said that on average people will lose about 100 to 125 hairs per day. However many people are trying to figure out if their hair loss is excessive and also wondering if it is going to be permanent.

When you haven’t washed your hair in a couple of days, or maybe had it tied up, it is completely natural for you to notice more hair falling out when you are in the shower. Also seasonally we shed and the thickness of our hair changes throughout the year, but if there is an excess of this loss like never before or if it is on your pillow when you wake in the morning then perhaps it is time to investigate.

Further if your hair is falling in patches, or your scalp tingles, burns or itches, these are also signs that your hair loss is more unusual and needs attention. Also if your friends have commented that they can see a change, or you know your density is a lot thinner -then it is time to consult a hair loss professional or dermatologist.

The longer you leave hair loss the harder it can become to treat, increasing the costs and limiting your options. Just like tooth decay and dentists – hair loss should be addressed early before the problem becomes more.

International Hair Studio are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of all hair loss conditions. Book a free consultation or just call for some friendly hair advice. Call 02074867077 for our London team; or 08222850 for our Stockholm office. Alternatively why not visit our Facebook page and sign up to our mail list to receive regular information and offers https://www.facebook.com/International-Hair-Studio-284656391652154/app/100265896690345/

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